Mr. Wiltsie, EIS Leadership Visit Korea for KT Ribbon Cutting



Mr. Wiltsie, EIS Leadership Visit Korea for KT Ribbon Cutting


By KT/YRP/LPP public affairs

The Korean Transformation/Yongsan Relocation Plan/Land Partnership Plan (KT/YRP/LPP) office hosted a ribbon cutting ceremony for the YRP/LPP Phase I project at Camp Humphreys, South Korea on Oct. 30.

The scope of the Phase I project was to provide Non-classified Internet Protocol Router Network (NIPRNET), Secret Internet Protocol Router Network (SIPRNET), Combined Enterprise Regional Information Exchange System-United States and Korea (CENTRIXS-K), Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), and voice and data communications capabilities to newly constructed facilities including the 2nd Combat Aviation Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division Vehicle Maintenance Facility (VMF), Aircraft Maintenance Facility, and the Senior Leaders Quarters. The NIPRNET portion of the project provides a 10-GbE uplink to support end user buildings.

The Program Executive Officer, Enterprise Information Systems (PEO EIS), KT/YRP/LPP, Information Systems Engineering Command, 2nd Combat Aviation Brigade, 1st Signal Brigade, Task Force Mercury, Camp Humphreys Garrison, Republic of Korea Coalition Partners, and the Prime Contractor, Black Box Network Services gathered at the VMF to participate in the ceremony.

Following the opening remarks and guest speakers, PEO EIS Mr. Douglas Wiltsie and Product Director (PD) KT/YRP/LPP Mr. Joel Phillips led an awards presentation. In addition, the Deputy PD KT/YRP/LPP, Mr. Michael Hunter, and the Integrated Project Team Leader, Mr. Roy Hoshino, received commanders’ awards from the KT/YRP/LPP parent organization, Program Manager Installation Information, Infrastructure, Communications and Capabilities, COL Debora Theall.

KT/YRP/LPP is responsible for the life cycle management of the C4I systems and capabilities, and for providing VoIP for all U.S. and Coalition networks (NIPR, SIPR, CENTRIX) in Hawaii, Japan and Korea.

Last Updated on Mon, 10 December 2012 10:00